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Facebook Groups - useful for Choir Leaders? - Rebecca Ballard

FB Group pages as laptop and as phoneFacebook Groups are more of a community than a page. They are set up for small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion.

They are ideal for Choir Leaders to share information specifically with your singers, and for them to share information between themselves. You can have one Facebook Group for each choir or have one group for all your choirs.

Worried about more admin?

You do not have to run your Group(s) yourself. You can have one or more members of your choir(s) who volunteer to become Admins whom you can share or delegate the task of looking after who may join the Group, moderating comments etc.

Anything posted in a Group will appear in each member’s timeline, so it is a great tool for communicating.


You can decide whether to make your Group publicly available for anyone to join; require administrator approval for members to join, or keep it private and by invitation only.

Groups can be:

  • Public – Anyone can see the group, its members and their posts.
  • Closed – Anyone can see the group and who’s in it. Only members see posts.
  • Secret – Only members find the group and see posts

Who does what?

There are 3 roles in a group.

  • Admin,
  • Moderator,
  • Member.


As the creator of a page, you are automatically an Admin. So, you can decide who joins and you can change the name of the group and change its photos. You can make other members Admins or Moderators. You have these roles on top of Moderator roles.


The main roles of Moderators are:

  • approve requests from people to be members,
  • remove posts and comments that aren’t appropriate,
  • remove and block people from being members.


Members can:

  • post to the group,
  • comment on posts to the group,
  • add photos and videos,
  • remove themselves from the group.

If you’d like to know more about Facebook for Choir Leaders, you might be interested in my free guide:

Facebook Explained - Personal Profiles, Pages and Groups - coverFacebook Profiles, Pages and Groups – what’s the difference and why should Choir Leaders care?