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Sight Village 2009 - This Week

QAC’s Sight Village is happening this week – 14-16, July. It’s in Birmingham as usual, but in a new venue this year. It’ll be interesting to see what this new one is like, since I know the previous met with mixecd views from both visitors and exhibitors. I have to say I was always a bit dubious about it being a Masonic place, but maybe that’s just my bias.

Anyway, if you don’t know about Sight Village, it’s the biggest exhibition for visual impairment in the UK. (Actually, the organisers say it is “the premier European event”.) All the main suppliers of assistive technology exhibit there as well as a lot of small suppliers and service providers. It’s sponsored by RNIB as usual, which means that many of RNIB’s services will be there.

You can visit for free, and the exhibitions guides are always available in alternative formats, especially if you let them know you’re coming.

Among the exhibitors that caughter my eye is Aurora Ministries who provide free audio Bibles to the visually impaired. and they do it in 68 languages available either on MP3 CD Rom or Cassettes. Wow!

Also exhibiting are my old company, Blazie Ltd, who I am sure are still offering the great support and Jaws scripting service they always did.

If you want to know more take a gander at: