Accessibility and the Kindle Fire HD

Accessibility for Kindle Fire For an alternative way of reading books, the Kindle Fire is an interesting one. Amazon have built in accessibility features into the Kindle Fire HD and the Kindle Fire HDX. New Kindle Fire will be accessible! | The Chicago Dream...

Apple’s iOS 7 and accessibility

Apple iOS 7 and Accessibility I updated my iPad to iOS 7 at the weekend and there are a couple of extra elements on the Accessibility. I’m particuarly interested in VoiceOver which is the screen reader part that is useful to blind and partially sighted people....

Accessible iPad Apps

iPads are one of the hottest technologies of the last five years. My nephew, who is dyslexic, has found his to be a great help. For him the clarity of the screen has ben its greatest selling point. That has got me wondering about iPad Apps that might be useful across...

Windows 8 and Accessibility

Many of us are aware that Microsoft is preparing the next version of its Windows Operating System (OS). for those of us interest in assistive technology the big question is what they are building in the the new OS in terms of its accessibility. Here’s a few...